200 issues of AD: The true influencers of the design world
Nina Luisa Vesic | 04. März 2020 | AD ONLINE
"We celebrate 200 issues of AD with the Abc of the 200 most important designers: Our Influencer 2019 are people who are not satisfied with the current state. But to make the world more beautiful.
They shape our time - with their sense of style and their design talent: For the 200th edition we present the 200 Influencer of the Year, which change, expand and enchant our world. In conscious selection and random order. 200 ingenious minds behind furniture design and Instagram filters, building and book culture, art and interior design. News from old acquaintances and the unheard of about young savages".
AD Anniversary Edition 06/2019
MARKUS HILZINGER (Interior) Designer
"His style reaches out to the world. As a designer, the Berliner from Baden - he designed the elegant "Cosmopolitan" service for Meissen - is one of the best in Germany. Hilzinger's feeling for historical growth comes alive in the "Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg", in the glamorous Seventies flair of the Cologne "Hotel Regent", but also in the colourful retouch of Oka's office classics. ..."
AD Anniversary Edition 06/2019