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FOTO: Fine Rooms Hotelkunst
Our Interior Design Tips
Innovate your Interior with Art & Accessories
Fotos: Markus Hilzinger | Text: Markus Hilzinger | 2018-02-23
"Art and finely tuned accessories individualize each room and give it authenticity." Markus Hilzinger
The designer Markus Hilzinger from Berlin creates spaces for the senses. He creates living designs and experience spaces to look at and enjoy, to live and pause.
TIP: Upgrade your interior, too. Markus Hilzinger designs your room and living dreams. Contact us now. We will prepare a non-binding offer for you.

FOTO: Mirjam Fruscella

Diese Triptychon und viele weitere Kunstwerke sind jetzt in unserem Fine Art Shop erhältlich.
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