Documenta 2017
The controversial
Text: Markus Hilzinger | 2017-09-18
The world's most important exhibition of contemporary art in Kassel, Documenta 14, is at worst regarded as "disapproved" and "disappointed, turned away from art". On our visit we could´t understand these criticism. Rarely we have seen so long lines of visitors before exhibition venues in the city, a known picture from NY at the MOMA. Divided not only at their host cities Athens and Kassel, today's Documenta can neither be determined in duration as well as in its place.
"Eine radikale Entortung, Entzeitlichung und Entkunstung“ (Kimpel, Zeit).
In any case it´s striking how highly political and socially critical is Documenta today. Does not art have to be?
"A compassion Documenta, in which the trauma of people from all over the world is thrown at the feet of people without comment". (Kimpel, Zeit).
We were not only confronted, but also confused and horrified, sometimes also disgusted. Art should polarize, provoke and not a light fare, the Documenta 14 was a real statement-thanks.