„1406“ by Christian Tagliavini at Camera Work
Each picture is a total art work
Fotos: Markus Hilzinger | Text: Markus Hilzinger | 2018-02-19
"The exhibition will include new and previously unseen works by Christian Tagliavini from the new series »1406«, in which the photographer and artist worked for more than two years.
The photos of Christian Tagliavini are as impressive as the Old Masters. The oversized works with portraits of Renaissance portraits show incredible depth of field and perfectly matched contrasts.
In a grand staging, the clothes, headdress and accessories are designed and made by the artist himself.
In the second part of the exhibition, major works by the artist from other series are presented: »1503«, »Carte« and »Voyages Extraordinaires«." Camera Work
TIPP 1: The photo book with works by Christian Tagliavini with book signing on the 24th of February 2018 in the gallery Camera Work.
TIPP 2: Due to the great interest, the exhibition was extended until 17 March 2018.
Kantstraße 149 | 10623 Berlin–Charlottenburg